Friday, February 23, 2007

Back from the BlogBeyond!!!!

Blogger and I have had some difficulties. I have the new blog now and I can actually access it. I'm so happy to hear from my Kent State students again! I've missed you all but this blog is the main source of communication with them. (And they rock and you will know their names soon because they are so talented.)

And Alan May and Steph Rogers, good to hear from you all, too. Getting ready to Atlanta and AWP here. It should be interesting. I'm listening to new Patty Griffin and new Lucinda Williams (thank you Chris Wick.)

It's Friday and Words on Walls is in serious production. We're hoping to do a reading at AWP--a hotel and little five points thing. If you're game, give me a shout-out.

More momentarily.


Anonymous said...

good to see you back!

i saw the justin told you about philology, which is great. and he was right: the workshop with you made me get off my butt and start doing something again with my writing.

a-smk said...

That workshop re-activated me in so many ways. I wish we had a year of it. Those days I had that boundless energy I had when I first began writing/teaching. It was great and I'm glad you guys are doing all you can to continue it.

I still want us to assemble an anthology. If a lunch materializes when I'm there in March (for a day) or we can meet in that coffeehouse downtown, maybe we can quickly edit and assemble something?