Thursday, October 12, 2006

What did I know, what did I know?

Oh how I love Those Winter Sundays. Today is cold and colder still on account of Austin, Texas.

My dear Floridian friend sent me a delicious package of reading: Julianna Baggott & Steve Almond's collaborative novel Which Brings Me to You is pretty & steamy. And Kathrine Wright's winning story in Paper Journey's newest anthology: Blink is worth the whole price of admission. (Lots of other good stuff too including Words on Walls' own Abbe and Tiffany.) Read them.

While I'm at it, let me direct you to anything by Ander Monson. Ander Monson has a brain that's like a rollercoaster all threaded with dollheads and daisies plus some major electricities various. I mean, really, where else can you go for that? Expect some links soon.

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