Monday, January 08, 2007

Sharky Diagrams

or Diagraming Sharks
Simone Muench, goddess of verse, has posted my poem Lathe over at Shark Forum. I mention this for the usual narcissistic reasons, of course, but also because Simone Muench writes and reads good stuff. The forum is full of good blood for the anemic poet. (Too much vampire-watching.) Anyway, get there and drink up.
Additionally, and not so gothically, but kind of, is this issue of Ander Monson's online cookie jar of a journal. I recommend anything always by Kristy Bowen but you'd do well to check out Kevin Oberlin's cool poems (and with their own gothic touch of Joss Whedon).


Cindy said...

I hope Intagliod Up in Blue has sprung forth from the ashes of the pyre.

The Lettershaper said...

As a poet, and an avid reader, I have to say that I very much enjoyed my leisurely stroll through your was time well spent; entertaining and enlightening. I thank you...

a-smk said...
