Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Chilly Day, Grey of Sky & So November

If the spinal column were a chest of drawers, what would be contained?

Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks and the party to begin when someone walks through a door.

This morning's smoothie--cherry, vanilla, with almond extract and megadoses of cinnamon.

Visiting artist from Scotland. A Blake scholar. A printmaker. A diner at Lindy's with me and L-Bo and the lovely Charlene, on Sunday night.

Chocolate velvet coffee.

Beginning that children's book at long, long last. Samira and Sneakily Save the Day. Very carpe diem. Very deathy and life-celebratory at once. (Poets never stray far from those, do they?) Age range: the 7-10s. Any suggestions are very welcome. A wonderful honors student and I are embarking on this new venture with little experience but major enthusiasm.

And back to the gym. That scrabby, shabby, hardcore place where last winter was warmed a little, each time I was proud of myself for making it there and achieving something new--however modest.

It's Autumn and time for some colors to fly.

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