Saturday, January 24, 2009

If Someone Takes A Spill

Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade
I'll march my band out, I'll beat my drum
And if I'm fanned out, your turn at bat, sir

Life remains lovely. New shoes (thanks Kathy!) Momentum remains and today is the day that brought us the hilarious Keith Rehm. Happy Birthday He-Whom-I-Will-Not-Likely-See-Again but whose memory of friendship makes me smile even on this sunny day in January when I forgot the date but a U2 song came on the radio and I thought of driving through Utah, driving through my youth, of chess and jalopies, of all-night talks, of the kind of friends I have today and how lucky I am to always find the most special, good-weird people to keep me company in my travels.

Happy. Happy. Happy.

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