Wednesday, January 14, 2009

To Wellness, to Snowflakes the Size of Tutus for Hippos, to White Chocolate Peppermint Coffee

It's a test this day. So far, I've failed but I aim to rise up and try again.
If I stay here it's all decadent coffee and Suzanne Vega but I am not supposed to stay here. The new life plan says I must venture out, snowshoe if need be, a mile to and from and between. But the snowflakes were like seasoning earlier and now they are kleenex for giants, plain white t-shirts for Apollo and his crew, nightdresses for the very-pregnant flying by the window and corkscrewing around one another. A terrible, freezing squaredance of stayindoorsstayindoors...

I must muster up. No Vega, no coffee and yet....

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